Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Here Are 5 Differences between Managed Services and Outsourcing Help Desk Services

Managed IT services in the Twin Cities help you get the support you need

for your business. Outsourcing certain tasks can do the same, but these

two practices are not the same thing. Both involve receiving services from

a third-party source for your business, but determining which of the two

options is better for you can make your decision-making process easier.

Here are five differences between managed services and outsourcing:

IT Help Desk Services 

1.Managed Services are More Specialized than Outsourcing

When you outsource your IT services, all possible IT-related needs are handed over to a specific company that provides your business with an onsite staff person who serves as the messenger for both sides. Essentially, this person is a liaison between the outsourcing company and your business. The managed IT services in the Twin Cities model gives

you something that is more specialized. If you hire a managed services provider, it takes care of certain IT operations you're unable to handle on your own. They work hand-in-hand with your existing IT team and work to keep things operating smoothly. The services they provide are customized to your needs.

2. Managed Services are a Longer Term Proposition Outsourcing tends to be done on a short-term basis when you need help for a specific issue, whereas businesses that

rely on managed services tend to view it as a permanent solution. Managed IT services in the Twin Cities are able to work with your existing infrastructure and become a part of your team, while outsourcing means you are bringing in someone to handle a specific issue on a temporary basis.

3.Working with a Managed Services Provider Enables You to Be Aware of the Costs Upfront

Perhaps the biggest difference between managed services and outsourcing is how you pay for the services. With managed services, you are aware of the total cost upfront, even if you are purchasing ongoing service. In most cases, there’s a monthly fee and you’ll know exactly what you’ll be paying from month to month. With outsourcing, what you pay depends on the deal you make with other companies and individuals and performance pay is typically in question.It's unpredictable and can make it challenging to budget properly.

4. Managed Services Grew Out of Outsourcing Outsourcing began experiencing popularity in the later 1980s, but it wasn't until the last few years that managed IT

services in the Twin Cities began its rise to popularity. Many believe the latter evolved from the former.

5. Managed Services are Focused on Management of Appointed Tasks Using the Right

People, Processes, and Tools Managed IT services in the Twin Cities focuses on a holistic approach, while outsourcing focuses on the most efficient deployment of work. For instance, if a company is able to get higher quality services or something less expensive, they’ll

choose to outsource it.

Is Managed Services Better than Outsourcing? Not necessarily. Both have a place in the modern business world, but managed IT services in the Twin Cities gives you more options, is cost-efficient, and allows you to work with experienced technicians. Both can provide protection and reduce your risk, but one might work better for your specific


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